Important Question of fruit crop class 11 for final exam



1. In which methed the row to row and plant to plant distance is equal. 

A. square system.        B. Tilangular system C. Rectangular system. d. Quinqunx system

2. Which system is adopted in sloppy land?
a. Countour system b. Triangular System 
c. Quinqunx system d. Rectangular system

3. In which system more plants can be acquainted ?
a. Rectangular system b. Quinqunx system c. Countour system
d. Square system

4. In which system less plants are acquainted ?
a. Hexagonal system b. Pentagonal system 
c. quinqunx system
d. Square system

5. “King of Fruits” is called........ .
a. Mango  b.Guava c.Apple d. Citrus

6. “Fruit of the 21st century” is called __
a. Jamun b. Ber c. Aonla d.Bael

7. Which of the following is the edible part of Litchi
a. Pericarp b. Kernal c. Fleshy aril 

8. Bitterpit in Apple is due to the deficiency of
a. Ca b. Zn c. Mn d.K

9. Citrus canker is a _____ disease
a. Bacterial b.Viral c. Fungal d. None

10. Which is not the type of maturity indices?
a. Color b. Size c. Texture d. Seed rate

11. Which of the following fruit is non-climacteric?
a. Apple b. Mango c. Banana d. Litchi

12. Which of the following is ripes after harvesting?
a. Mango b. Jackfruit c. Banana 
d. All of the above

13. What is the ratio of sugar and fruits during preparation of jam?
A. 1:2    b. 2:3.   c. 2:1  d. 1:1

14. Value addition of fruits include which method?
A. Preparation of Jelly
B. Drying
C. Cleaning
D. Winnowing

The end

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