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डाउनलोड गर्ने तरिका:

माथि दिइएको Download file  मा थिच्नुहोस्।

अब मोबाइल तलपट्टि विभिन्न अप्सनहरु आउँछन् तर      Drive अप्सनमा थिच्नुहोस्।

Download सय प्रतिशत गर्नुहोस् मोबाइलमा सेफ हुन्छ। Mobile काे my filemanager मा गई document ओपन गर्नुहोस।  धन्यवाद।


Click the download file option which is given above  to download the file.
File is about the note of class 12 agriculture plant science department.
The given file is in PPTx form.
Tap that download file option and get into the drive and download it in your phone.

This note is provided by Krishan Poudle sir.

This website is design and managed by Bibash Lamichhane.

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