Daily Report- Dairy, Cultivation of Marigold- OJT-2079 by class 11 (2078 batch)

 In 2079 BS, The student of class Eleven of  "Shree Triveni Secondary School" had done a project.

The students had completed their theoretical  course in a year 2078. And they started their practical project in 10th Ashar 2079 and finished at 24th Kartik 2079.

"OJT" was about Marigold Cultivation Practices, It was targeted for Tihar- the festival of garland and light.

"KARMA-555" variety of Marigold was Cultivated, It was Darft variety of marigold (Tagets erecta).

It was Orange in color, Medium in size, 40 flowers were enough to make a garland.

Triveni Secondary school is Located in Katari Municipality. In Katari Municipality, the demand of marigold are very high but the productions are very low.

For Daily Detail OF The Cultivation Practices, PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE PDF OF DAILY REPORT


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