I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards
Mr. Bal Krishna Karki, principal of Shree Triveni secondary school for providing
me with the agriculture field and the resources of the school for conducting the
research project. Also, I would like to thank Mr. Kailash Rayamajhi,
Co-ordinator and Agriculture Instructor, Department of Plant Science. My
special thanks goes to Mr. Krishna Poudel, Field supervisor and Senior
Agriculture Instructor, Department of Plant Science for his continuous guidance
and motivation towards the successful completion of the project.
I am also thankful to Mr. Imtiyaz A. Khan, Senior
Agriculture Instructor, Department of Plant Science for his valuable time and
cooperation during the project. I cannot forget to thanks Mr. Hari AdhikariDanuwar,
Helper, Triveni Secondary School for his support. My heartly gratitude also
goes to my fellow classmates and juniors who helped me throughout this 3 month
OJT period. I was not able to
complete this project without their continuous support and help.
1.1 Background of 'OJT'
‘OJT’ stands for “ON THE JOB
TRAINING." It is the practical based and professional course designed as the project work during secondary
level education, where students chooses the topic and carryout in school's field, labs or any research institutions
or any government bodies, so that students can
develop professional skills and expertise.
It is a course carried
out for 1200 working hours, where students are assigned to carry the project for 300 working hours each in class 10 and 11 (3
months). Similarly, after class 12, students can
carry the project for 600 working hours (6 months).
1.2 Background of
Marigold is one of the most important flowering annuals
cultivated in Nepal. It has gained popularity on account of its easy culture
and wide adaptability, wide attractive colors, shape, size and good keeping
quality. Marigold belongs to Asteraceae family. The cultivated marigold species are mainly of two types:
a. Tagetes
patula (French marigold)
Tagetes erecta (African marigold)
According to
"FAN" in Nepal, only two varieties are widely cultivated
commercially, among which 66.7% of
farmers used Karma 555 varieties of marigold. Similarly, 11.6% of farmers used
the Karma Orange variety and 21.7%
of farmers used Culcuttiya variety plant material as seedlings and cuttings. Karma 555"(Tagetes erecta) is
a marigold that blooms with orange color of flowers having super ball shape with firm flowers. It gave
continuous flowering for 3 harvest. This variety is produced by 'Karma and sons trade' in Nepal.
1.3 Marketability and Prospects of Marigold Cultivation in
An estimated two
million units of marigold garlands were used in the 079 Tihar, the festival of
light. The festival was started from
October 22. According to Floriculture Association Nepal (FAN), the projected demand was 10 percent more
than the amount of the last year. Of the total consumption, Nepal had imported 300,000 garlands from
India to meet the domestic demand during the festival. Last year, the demand for marigold garlands was 1.815 million
units. Kathmandu Valley, Dhading, Chitwan,
Kavrepalanchok, Sindhupalchok, Nuwakot, Gorkha, Makwanpur, Ramechhap, Jhapa,
Ilam, Dhankuta, Kaski, Syangja,
Bake, Palpa, Tanahu, Dang, Morang, Dhanusha, Sarlahi, Saptari and Kailali are the main producers of marigold
flower in the local market. FAN had estimated the total turnover of flowers to remain over Rs 123 million this
year (FAN, 2022).
The climate in Nepal is almost moderate, but also offers a
few sultry months with high humidity, high temperatures. In Nepal under several
months of the year, climate is warm to hot at temperatures continuously above
25 degrees centigrade, sometimes up to 29 degrees. The warmest and rainiest part
of the country is Central Region.The subtropical and hilly region of Nepal
receives huge rainfall during the months of June to September which are
favorable climate for marigold cultivation.
Marigolds are the flowers which could be grown in wide variety of soils.
Marigold requires mild climate for luxuriant growth and profuse flowering.
Ø To gain the knowledge and
experience about the commercial cultivation of marigold.
Ø To be able understand the
marketing scenario of Katari in Marigold flowers and be able to manage them
with sound marketing skills and experience.
3.1 Site Selection
The agriculture field of Shree Triveni Secondary School was
selected as a suitable site for the conduction of OJT project. The site was
selected due to the ease in carrying out various operations, suitable soil, availability
of irrigation, and its location. We allocated the required land for its
3.2 Seed Collection:
Karma 555 variety of marigold was finalized to cultivate in our field. Our supervisor contacted to the "Karma Group of Company" to order seeds of Karma 555. The seeds were dispatched through courier that was received from Gaighat.4 packets of seeds were bought on total (1000 seeds each).
The method ofpreparation of seed bed and favorable nursery media was studied. Cocopeat and NPK compost was finalized as a nursery media. Layout was done for seedbed preparation. The field was tilled to bring the fine tilth after incorporation of FYM treated with fungicide. The weeds, stone and plastic from the seedbed site were removed. Two seed beds were prepared to the specifications of 3 meters in length and 1 meter in width, and another 4 meters in length and 1 meter in width. Seed bed was raised about 15 cm from the ground level.First bed was prepared for seed sowing but second bed was used to keep seedlings tray. Nursery media was prepared by mixing cocopeat, NPK compost, soil, sand in 1:1:1:1 ratio. The Mixture was treated by spraying with mancozeb @ 2 grams per liter of water.
Tunnels were prepared for the protection of seedlings and conservation of the soil. Bamboos were considered as the best and reliable material to make frame.Two frames of tunnels were prepared from bamboos.Two tunnel having 3.20 meter length, 1.20 meter width and 4.5 meter length and 1.5 meter width were built. Transparent plastic was used to make the roof cover of the tunnels.
Tunnels were prepared for the protection of seedlings and conservation of the soil. Bamboos were considered as the best and reliable material to make frame.Two frames of tunnels were prepared from bamboos.Two tunnel having 3.20 meter length, 1.20 meter width and 4.5 meter length and 1.5 meter width were built. Transparent plastic was used to make the roof cover of the tunnels.
Seeds were sown in seed tray using prepared nursery media (Cocopeat, NPK compost, sand and soil). Each seeds were sown in each pit of tray. Seeds were covered by spreading cocopeat over them. Seeds were sown in the seedbed with spacing of 1.5 cm x 2cm (RR X PP). Approx. 40-50 seeds were sown in each rows. The field was irrigated based on the moisture condition of the field.
Damping off was observed in seedling after few days. Stem
became water soaked and thin. Mancozeb@ 2ml per liter of water was sprayed to
control damping off disease. Knapsack sprayer was used to spray the fungicide solution.
Movement of grasshopper was seen and their manual destruction was done.
Primary tilage was done by using hand
tractor. Field preperation was done. FYM was incorporated in the field. Weeds
were collected and thrown into the compost pit. Field plowed for 4 times and
made soil fertile by breaking clods. Removal of smalls stones, metals, plastics
etc unwanted meterial were removed from field.
The total area of the main field was measured which was
1311.5m2. Total area of field was separated into the 12
small plots having length and breadth 10 and 9.50 respectively where as the
each plots were separated by the furrow having 1 meter width. Bunds were made having spacing 60 cm to each other.
After 25th days of seed sowing, sedlings became
ready to transplant. Transplantation was done in 6th, 7th,
8thShrawan. Seedlings were uprooted from the seedbed and seedlings
tray for transplantation. Seedlings were transplantated in the bunds by making
spacing 60 cm to each plant. Spacing of bunds was also 60 cm. Chemical
fertilizers (urea, dap,mop) were applied in the soil according to the
recommendation dose i.e
200:100:100. All the fertilizers were
applied as a basal dose except for Nitrogen which was applied half dose and the
remaining half dose was applied in 2 splits (i.e. at first earthing up and
second earthing up). Daily irrigation was done in the seedlings.
Rosecane and
sprayers were used for watering to the seedling in seedbed and tray. Daily
irrigation was done after transplantation but when seedlings become knee height,
flood irrigation was done to provide water to them. Water pipes were used in
flood irrigation system. Seedlings were irrigated 2-3 times in a week.
Weeding, earthing up and dressing
up were done for 2 times in 1 month interval. Hoe, spade, buckets were used for
doing this operation. Tall, uprooted, fallen and weak plants were transplanted
in depth. Standing water was removed from the field which helps to decrease the
water stress. Clean cultivation was followed to decrease the risk of attack by
insect and disease.
Pinching was done after 45 days
from transplantation. Pinching of tall and fallen plants was done after a week
of transplantation. Blades and scissor were used to cut the tip/stem of plants.
Pinched parts of the plant were transplanted in the gaps between the plants but
most of the pinched tip were planted in the polybag for root formation. After
the root formation, seedlings were transplanted in the field.
Chemical fertilizers (DAP, UREA,
MOP) were applied in 200:100:100 ratios. All fertilizers were applied in basal
dose except for Nitrogen. First dose was
applied during seedlings transplantation and second and third dose after
first and second earthing up. Deficiency symtoms of different nutrients were observed
and nutrientswere provided as per plant requirement.
Cultivated variety was dwarf.
Vegetative growth of plant was higher so many branches of plants were started
to break due to rainfall and wind. To prevent them, support of bamboo sticks
was provided which was 1.5 meter in length and 5-10 cm in breadth. Fiber ropes
were used to bind. This condition was very high when
the vegetative growth of plant was excessive.
Marigold cut worm (Spodoptera litura)
was seen in marigold. It feed in the foliage part of the plant. The effect
of insect and their symptom were reported to our supervisors. He instructed us
to spray cypermethrin+chlorpyrifos in the field. The mixture of cypermethrin+chlorpyrifos
was sprayed @ 2 ml per liter of water. Larva stage of Spodoptera litura was
voracious and harmful in nature.
Due to untimely cultivation and
rainfall's water stress plants were not able to move on reproductive stage.
Supervisor had instructed us to spray Cytokinin and auxin but in our local
market it was not available, Nitrobenzene was available in the market so Nitrobenzene
was sprayed @ 50ml per 16 liter of water of water after the bud appears in the
plants. It worked with in 14-20 days.
Digital marketing was decided to promote our production. Advertising posters, banner were created and posted them in social media (Facebook, Youtube, Webpage etc) to reach in many costumer. Our contact details were provided as a marketing strategy, so that costumer could place their order directly. Local and national mediaconducted our interview to promote our production. Online form was created so that costumer could place their order easily in few steps.Digital Software Canva and Capcut, was used to make advertising poster and videos.
Tihar was the main targeted market
for our production. Harvesting of flowers was started from 7thkartik
to 9thkartik. Flowers were plucked up by hand. Each piece of flowers
were sold by counting. Polythene bags of 5kg capacity were used to store the flowers.
Production was sold in local market. The demand of pre-order holding costumer
was fulfilled and then flowers were sold for other local costumer. Market visit
was conducted for selling. Garlands were made for selling, each garland consist
of 35 flowers and sold it to the political parties during 2079 election, flowers
were sold in many other hindus festival like chhat, ekdashi and kakanimela etc.
Marigold was sold at the rate 40
flowers per 120 rupees. Each flower was sold in 3 rupees. This price was fixed
during Tihar Festival. After Tihar we sold the flowers at the rate of Rs. 2 per
flower and Re. 1 after then. The total investment was about Rs. 80,000 and we
sold flowers of Rs. 1,10,000. We generated the total revenue Rs. 30,000 .
Cultivated variety of marigold was
dwarf and its vegetative growth was higher.This variety can survive in water
scarcity condition.Flowers became loose due to the less irrigation in reproductive
stage. Excessive vegetative growth caused breaking of branches. Wind velocity
couldn't control due high spacing between plants and bunds which caused
breaking of plant's stem. Soil erosion was very high due to heavy rainfall.Orange
color of flowers was produced from 'Karma 555'.
Pinching technique was found to be effective
to promote lateral growth rather than the vertical growth of plant and to
multiplication of plants. Pinching helped to reduce the seed cost.Size of
flowers wascomparatively small because of the pinching.Root formation of
pinching in polybag was easier and safe. Time of flowering and size of flower
of main plant and pinching plants was also same.
Application of nitrobenzene was
very effective for early flowering. It worked after 14-16 days from
application.Flowering in plants were started after 2 month of transplantation.
'Karma 555' gave production in 3 times, approx. About 200 flowers were produced
in first flowering, and about 150 flowers were produced in second and third
flowering. First flowering got good market but second and third flowering
couldn't get market.Demand of flower and garland were very high in Laxmi puja
to BhaiTika. Maximum supply was done in 3 days of Tihar.After Tihar the demand
of flowers was extremely low in our market, sell was nearly equals to zero in
- ·
Seed was not available in time, so that
cultivation became late and late flowerings was occurred.
- ·
Field preparation was late due to the
heavy rainfall, as the result of heavy rainfall soil erosine from bunds was
occured and after rainfall, high sunlight dried the soil and crust formed in
the soil.
- ·
Timely unavailability and high price of
chemical fertilizer became a factor to reduce the growth of plant.
- ·
Plants had faced the water stress due to
the high rainfall, so that growth became reduced.
- ·
Irrigation was difficult to provide due
to the unproper layout of field, level of ground was not made as per plan.
- ·
High spacing of plants was a factor for
breaking of plant's branches and stems during high wind.
- ·
Off-season market of flowers were very
low, production was not supplied in off-season which affect in revenue.
Hence, In this way we were able to do commercial
cultivation of marigold and able to tackle the challenges of cultivation and we
were able to understand the flowers market in Katari Bazar and able to do
marketing in our locality.
Good quality seeds
should be sown befor 4 month from the targeted time for marketing.
The spacing should be
30*30 (RR*PP) for the marigold cultivation to prevent the excessive used of
area and to reduce the competition of nutrients and water from weeds.
Staking should be done timely
to protect the plants from injuries.
Cultivation site should
be in nearby from market for the better marketing of production.
The cultivation should
also prioritize irrigation and drainage system; various methods of plantation;
timely application of fertilizers and manures and adequate and timely plant
protection measures while cultivation.
Pinching can be done
for multiplication of plant which on another hand helps in the reduction of
cost that would have been incurred in buying of seeds.
Use polybag for root formation of pinching.
Make sure about the availability of market and transportation facility.
Local Municipal office should bring
various training programmesfor marigold flowers cultivation, be it on the basis
of production or subsidies.
Government support should be extended to
commercial marigold producer for the positive and progressive
impact on the local economy as well as the standard of living of the locals.
Government should impose
restrictions for the import of marigold from India and government should
encourage our local production with subsidies and technical knowledge.
Thank you