Practical Education Needed

Bibash Lamichhane

Write a speech on practical education where my school is not focusing on practical but more focusing on theory only.

Starting from,

Dear fellow students,

I want to talk to you today about the importance of practical education. As you all know, our school places a lot of emphasis on theory-based learning, but we often overlook the value of practical experience.

While theoretical knowledge is undoubtedly essential, practical education provides students with a hands-on understanding of the concepts they learn in the classroom. This kind of education allows students to put their knowledge into action and learn by doing. It also gives them an opportunity to develop important skills that are hard to learn from a book, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

Practical education is not just about learning specific skills; it is about preparing students for the real world. In today's fast-paced, ever-changing job market, employers are looking for graduates who have practical experience and can apply their knowledge in real-life situations. By providing more practical education opportunities, our school can better equip us for the workforce and help us stand out from the competition.

Unfortunately, our school has been lacking in this area. We often find ourselves struggling to apply the theories we learn in class to real-life situations. It's not enough to simply memorize formulas or recite theories; we need to be able to apply our knowledge in practical situations. Our school needs to start providing more opportunities for us to gain practical experience, such as internships, lab sessions, and workshops.

I understand that our school's resources may be limited, and implementing practical education can be challenging. However, it is not impossible. By working together as students, teachers, and administrators, we can find ways to integrate practical education into our curriculum. We can also seek out opportunities outside of school, such as volunteering, apprenticeships, or participating in extracurricular activities.

In conclusion, practical education is crucial for our success in the real world. It helps us develop valuable skills and knowledge that we cannot learn from books alone. It is time for our school to place more emphasis on practical education and provide us with the opportunities we need to succeed. Let us work together to make this happen and ensure that our education is well-rounded, comprehensive, and practical. Thank you.

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