Introducing Amrit: Revolutionizing Agriculture Through Innovation

Welcome to AMRIT, a dynamic new agricultural startup at the forefront of the industry's transformation. Our name, AMRIT, stands for Agriculture Management and Research Integrated Technology, reflecting our commitment to harnessing technology, research, and innovative practices to revolutionize farming.


Specializing in Marigold Cultivation and Mushroom Production

At AMRIT, we specialize in marigold cultivation and mushroom production. We have dedicated our expertise and resources to mastering these two areas of agricultural production, ensuring exceptional quality and optimal yields. Our marigold brand, Karma 555, has gained recognition for its vibrant blooms and exceptional longevity, while our mushroom production in the scenic Betanee area has garnered praise for its consistency and nutritional value.


Driving Expansion and Growth

Under the visionary leadership of our founder and Chief, Mr. Kailash Rayamajhi, AMRIT has been propelled on a trajectory of expansion and growth. With a clear vision for the company's future, Mr. Rayamajhi's strategic acumen and passion for agriculture have guided AMRIT to new horizons. Working alongside him is our accomplished Managing Director, Mr. Bibash Lamichhane, who brings a wealth of industry experience and expertise to drive the company's operations.



A Team Committed to Excellence

At AMRIT, we have assembled a team of exceptional individuals who share our vision and values. Among them are Mr. Pawan Pokharel, a central community member whose deep understanding of local farming practices ensures our operations align with the needs of the community. Additionally, Mr. Yubak Khulal Magar brings extensive knowledge of agricultural technologies and their integration into farming practices. Supporting our esteemed Chief is Mr. Kishor Kumar Shrestha, his trusted Personal Assistant, whose attention to detail and organizational skills are instrumental in the smooth functioning of the company.


Strategic Locations for Maximum Impact

AMRIT's governance and strategic decision-making are centered in the bustling town of Katari. It is here that we devise innovative strategies, explore research partnerships, and shape the company's future trajectory. Our flagship farm, located in the fertile region of Gaighat, serves as the epicenter of our marigold cultivation operations. With vast expanses of meticulously tended fields, it showcases our commitment to excellence in farming. Furthermore, our mushroom production takes place in the picturesque Betanee area, where the natural environment provides an ideal setting for the growth and development of these nutritious fungi.


Pioneering a New Era in Agriculture

AMRIT represents a new era in agriculture, where technological advancements, research integration, and sustainable practices converge. With our unwavering focus on quality, innovation, and community engagement, we aim to redefine the agricultural landscape. Join us as we shape the future of farming, producing high-quality marigolds and nutritious mushrooms while contributing to the well-being of our local communities. At AMRIT, we believe in agriculture's power to create a sustainable and prosperous future, and we invite you to be a part of this transformative journey.






















The book responsible for the control of the entire agricultural company named Amrit is called "The Amrit Agricultural Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Company Operations and Management."

Introducing Karma 555: A Symbol of Excellence in Marigold Cultivation

Welcome to Karma 555, a remarkable variety of marigold that has earned its reputation as a pinnacle of success among cultivators. With approximately 67.69% of hybrid marigold farmers choosing Karma 555 as their preferred variety in Nepal, it has emerged as a resounding triumph within the farming community. At our esteemed Amrit Farm, we have been cultivating the Karma 555 variety since 2021, successfully completing three remarkable harvests.


Unparalleled Quality and Features:

Karma 555 boasts an array of exceptional qualities that have contributed to its widespread acclaim. Characterized by large, vivid orange flowers, this variety captivates the eye and adds a vibrant touch to any landscape or arrangement. Its flowers exhibit an impressive lifespan, ensuring an extended period of aesthetic pleasure. Each plant demonstrates its remarkable potential, producing an abundant yield of over 200 flowers, symbolizing the unrivaled productivity and potential of Karma 555.

The plants themselves strike a balance between size and manageability, with medium-sized plant stature and vigorous vegetative growth. This unique combination of attributes allows for efficient cultivation and maintenance, facilitating ease of care while maximizing the yield potential of each plant.



Excellence Cultivated by Amrit Farm

At Amrit Farm, we take immense pride in cultivating the Karma 555 variety with the utmost dedication and expertise. Our commitment to quality is unwavering, and our cultivation practices ensure that every Karma 555 marigold flower meets the highest standards of excellence. With meticulous attention to detail, we have refined our cultivation techniques to bring out the full potential of this remarkable variety, resulting in consistently exceptional flowers that surpass expectations.


Sustainability and Future Growth

As we continue to cultivate Karma 555 at Amrit Farm, sustainability remains a core focus of our operations. We integrate eco-friendly practices to minimize our environmental impact and ensure a responsible approach to farming. By employing sustainable agricultural techniques, we not only preserve natural resources but also contribute to the long-term viability of marigold cultivation.


Professional Nursery Preparation Steps for Karma 555 Marigold Cultivation

Site Preparation:

a. Thoroughly clean the nursery bed area, removing any stones, weeds, or debris that may hinder plant growth.

b. Perform primary tillage to break up the soil and remove large clods or compacted areas.

c. Follow up with secondary tillage to create a finer seedbed, ensuring optimal soil conditions for germination and root development.


Bed Layout:

a. Designate the nursery bed with a width of 1 meter, adjusting the length as per requirements and available space.

b. Ensure the bed is evenly leveled, eliminating any unevenness or clods that could impede uniform seed sowing and irrigation.


Soil Preparation:

a. Utilize clod destruction techniques to break down larger soil particles, creating a fine and crumbly soil tilth suitable for seedling establishment.

b. Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) at a rate of 5-10 kg per square meter, providing essential nutrients for initial growth stages.

c. Enhance soil structure and drainage by adding sand, approximately one-third of the upper soil volume, to improve soil loosening.


Additional Material Incorporation:

a. Blend all the additional materials thoroughly into the prepared soil bed, ensuring proper distribution and integration.

b. This step facilitates uniform nutrient availability, soil texture enhancement, and optimal water retention, setting the foundation for healthy seedling growth.


Seed Sowing:

a. Sow the Karma 555 marigold seeds at a spacing of 10 cm x 10 cm, both between individual plants and rows.

b. Handle each seed with care, placing them individually in the designated spots on the prepared bed.

c. After sowing, cover the seeds using either fungicide-treated mitmoss or a thin layer of soil, ensuring protection and optimal germination conditions.


Nursery Media Preparation and Seed Sowing in Various Containers: Professional Steps


Nursery Media Preparation:   

a. For pitmoss or cocopeat media, start by selecting high-quality pitmoss or cocopeat substrate with proper moisture content.

b. Remove any impurities, debris, or large particles from the media to ensure a fine and uniform texture.

c. Properly moisten the media by adding water gradually and mixing it thoroughly until it reaches the desired moisture level, ensuring proper water retention capacity.


Fungicide Treatment:

a. Prior to sowing the seeds, treat the nursery media with a recommended fungicide to minimize the risk of seed-borne or soil-borne diseases.

b. Prepare a fungicide solution as per the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring the correct dosage and dilution.

c. Apply the fungicide solution evenly to the prepared nursery media, ensuring complete coverage and incorporation.


Sowing in Poly Bags:

a. Select high-quality poly bags suitable for seedling growth, with proper drainage holes at the bottom to prevent waterlogging.

b. Fill the poly bags with the prepared and treated nursery media, leaving sufficient space at the top for watering and seedling growth.

c. Create small depressions or holes in the media, as per the recommended spacing for the particular crop or seed variety.

d. Place the seeds carefully in the depressions, ensuring proper spacing and orientation.

e. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of the nursery media or vermiculite to achieve appropriate seed-to-media contact.


Sowing in Plastic Cups:

a. Choose clean and sturdy plastic cups of suitable size for seedling growth, ensuring proper drainage holes at the bottom.

b. Fill the plastic cups with the prepared and treated nursery media, leaving some space at the top for watering and seedling development.

c. Create small depressions or holes in the media, following the recommended spacing for the specific crop or seed variety.

d. Place the seeds gently in the depressions, ensuring proper spacing and orientation.

e. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of the nursery media or vermiculite for optimal seed-to-media contact.



Sowing in Seedling Trays:

a. Select seedling trays with adequate cell size and proper drainage holes for efficient water management.

b. Fill each cell of the seedling tray with the prepared and treated nursery media, ensuring uniform distribution and suitable moisture level.

c. Create small depressions or holes in each cell, adhering to the recommended spacing for the specific crop or seed variety.

d. Place the seeds meticulously in the depressions, maintaining proper spacing and orientation.

e. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of the nursery media or vermiculite to achieve optimal seed-to-media contact.


In all cases, after sowing the seeds, ensure proper labeling of the containers with essential information such as seed variety, date of sowing, and any other relevant details. Place the containers in a suitable environment with adequate light, temperature, and humidity for germination and seedling development. Regularly monitor and adjust irrigation to maintain optimal moisture levels in the media.


By following these professional steps for nursery media preparation, fungicide treatment, and sowing in different containers, you can establish a conducive environment for seed germination and early seedling growth, setting the foundation for successful plant development in the subsequent stages of cultivation



Irrigation Management:

a. Initiate regular irrigation, providing sufficient moisture to the nursery bed on a daily basis.

b. Monitor soil moisture levels to avoid waterlogging or drying out, striking a balance to support healthy seedling growth.

c. Adjust irrigation frequency and volume as per weather conditions and specific moisture requirements of Karma 555 marigold seedlings.


Rainy Season Protection:

a. During the rainy season, create tunnels or structures to protect the nursery bed from excessive rainfall, which can lead to waterlogging and seedling damage.

b. Implement appropriate measures to ensure adequate drainage and prevent excess moisture accumulation, safeguarding the seedlings from adverse weather conditions.


By following these meticulously planned and executed steps, the nursery preparation for Karma 555 marigold cultivar sets the stage for successful seed germination, healthy growth, and robust plant development.


Field Preparation for Marigold Cultivation: Professional Tillage and Plot Establishment


Primary Tillage:

Primary tillage involves the initial soil preparation to create a suitable bed for marigold cultivation. It typically employs mechanized equipment such as a plow or a disc harrow to break the soil, improve soil structure, and control weeds.

Objective: The primary tillage process aims to bury crop residues, loosen compacted soil layers, facilitate root penetration, and promote optimal water infiltration and nutrient availability.


Secondary Tillage:

Secondary tillage follows the primary tillage and focuses on refining the seedbed. Implements like a cultivator or a rotavator are used to further break down clods, level the soil, and remove weeds that may have emerged after primary tillage.

Objective: Secondary tillage enhances seed-soil contact, improves soil tilth, eliminates weeds, and promotes a finer seedbed structure, fostering favorable conditions for seedling emergence and growth.


Field Layout:

Field layout involves marking and demarcating the boundaries and divisions within the cultivation area. It ensures organized and systematic planting, irrigation, and management.

Objective: Proper field layout helps optimize land use, facilitate efficient movement and access, and enable systematic implementation of cultivation practices, irrigation, and pest management activities.


Subplot or Ridge Creation:

Subplots or ridges are smaller divisions within the field, often used for different purposes such as planting specific cultivars or managing specific treatments. They are created based on the specific requirements of the crop and cultivation objectives.

Objective: Subplot or ridge creation allows for focused experimentation, selective treatment application, and precise management of different cultivars or treatments, aiding in research, evaluation, and improved crop management practices.


Application of Farmyard Manure (FYM):

Farmyard manure, rich in organic matter, is added to the field to enhance soil fertility and provide essential nutrients to the plants.

Process: Apply approximately 10,000 kg of FYM per hectare by uniformly spreading it across the field.

Objective: The addition of FYM enriches the soil with organic matter, improves soil structure, enhances nutrient retention capacity, promotes beneficial microbial activity, and ensures sustained nutrient availability for healthy plant growth.




Inorganic Fertilizer Application:

Inorganic fertilizers play a crucial role in supplementing the nutrient requirements of marigold plants. For Karma 555, the recommended dose is NPK 200:100:100.

Process: Calculate the quantity of urea, DAP (Di-ammonium phosphate), and MOP (Muriate of potash) required per hectare based on the recommended dose of NPK.


To calculate the required weight of urea (U), DAP (Di-ammonium phosphate), and MOP (Muriate of potash) for a hectare of land based on the recommended NPK dose of 200:100:100, we need to follow these steps:


Determine the total nutrient requirement for each nutrient:

Nitrogen (N): 200 kg/ha

Phosphorus (P): 100 kg/ha

Potassium (K): 100 kg/ha


Calculate the nutrient content in each fertilizer:

Urea: Nitrogen content (46%)

DAP: Nitrogen content (18%), Phosphorus content (46%)

MOP: Potassium content (60%)


Calculate the weight of each fertilizer required:



Weight of DAP (kg) = (P requirement / Phosphorus content) * 100

Weight of DAP (kg) = (100 kg / 46) * 100

Weight of DAP (kg) ≈ 217.39 kg ≈ 217 kg (rounded to the nearest whole number)



Weight of MOP (kg) = (K requirement / Potassium content) * 100

Weight of MOP (kg) = (100 kg / 60) * 100

Weight of MOP (kg) ≈ 166.67 kg ≈ 166 kg (rounded to the nearest whole number)



DAP is already applied so some amount of Nitrogen is supplied from it.

217.39 kg DAP gives = (18/100)*217.39 kg Nitrogen

                                   = 39.13 kg Nitrogen is supplied by DAP

Remaining Recommended dose of the Nitrogen = 200 kg – 39.13 kg

                                                                              = 160.8698 kg Nitrogen

Weight of urea (kg) = (N requirement / Nitrogen content) * 100

Weight of urea (kg) = (160.8698 kg / 46) * 100

Weight of urea (kg) = 349.71 kg ≈ 349 kg (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, for a hectare of land with the recommended NPK dose of 200:100:100, approximately 349 kg of urea, 217 kg of DAP, and 166 kg of MOP are required.

Objective: The application of inorganic fertilizers provides the necessary macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in balanced proportions, supporting optimal plant growth, flowering, and overall crop productivity.


Subplot or Ridge Creation and Drainage System:

Create subplots or ridges within the field with a recommended distance of 60 cm between them. Additionally, establish a proper drainage system to manage excess water and prevent water logging.


Objective: Subplot or ridge creation helps in better water management, improves aeration around plants, promotes root development, and facilitates effective crop monitoring and management. The drainage system ensures the removal of excess water, preventing waterlogged conditions that can adversely affect plant growth.


By implementing these meticulous field preparation steps, including primary and secondary tillage, plot establishment, appropriate organic and inorganic amendments, and strategic subdivision, you set the stage for successful marigold cultivation, enabling optimum plant development, improved nutrient availability, and efficient crop management practices.






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