What is plant anatomy ?

·      Plant anatomy is the study of what's inside plants. It looks at their different parts like roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.

What is cell?

·      Cells are the basic units of life.

What is tissue?


What is organ?

·      An organ is a part of the body made up of different tissues that work together to perform a specific function.



There are two types of plant tissue:

1.  Meristem Tissue

2.  Permanent Tissue


1.  Meristem tissue

Meristem tissue is the group of similar cell and where cells actively divide and multiply. It's responsible for plant growth, development, and the formation of new tissues.



a.   On the basis of plane of cell division

b.  On the basis of origin


A.On the basis of plane of cell division

1.  Mass meristem

2.  Plate meristem

3.  Rib  meristem

1.  Mass meristem:

It is type of meristem tissue in which cell divide in all planes and increase the volume of plant.

2.  Plate meristem

it is also the type of the meristem tissue in which cells divides in two plane and increase the area of plant.

3.  Rib meristem


B) On The basis of origin:

1. Primary meristem tissue

·      Apical meristem: Apical meristem tissue is like a plant's tip where new cells are made, helping the plant grow taller and develop new parts.

·      Intercalary meristem: Intercalary meristem is like a plant's middle manager. It's the tissue that adds new growth in between existing parts, like leaves and stems.

·      Lateral meristem: Lateral meristem tissue is like a plant's width booster. It helps the plant grow thicker by adding cells to its sides, increasing its girth.


2.  Secondary meristem tissue:

Secondary meristem tissue is like a plant's repair crew. It creates new growth in older parts, helping the plant heal wounds and build thicker layers, like wood.



Write the function of meristem tissue?

Ø Meristem tissue is like a growth engine for plants. It makes new cells that help plants get bigger.

Ø It creates cells for roots to reach into the soil and for stems and leaves to stretch towards the sun.

Ø If a plant gets hurt, meristem tissue makes new cells to repair the damage. It's like the plant's own healing team.

Ø Meristem helps plants make new branches, leaves, and even flowers. It's responsible for their shape and structure.

Ø This tissue can adapt and change based on what the plant needs, whether it's growing taller or wider, or recovering from harm.

What is permanent tissue?

Ø Permanent tissue is group of similar and dissimilar cell and made of cells that have settled into their roles and don't divide anymore. 

1.  Simple permanent tissue

Ø Simple permanent tissue the tissue made up of similar group or dissimilar group of non-dividing cell, they perform similar function.

·      Parenchyma: Parenchyma is a type of simple permanent tissue that makes a major part of ground tissues in plants, where other tissues like vascular tissues are embedded.

·      Collenchyma: it is living permanent tissue with the deposition of cellulose and pectin.

·      Sclerenchyma: It is a simple highly thick walled dead tissue. It content fiber and sclereids.

          Complex permanent tissue:

There are two types of complex permanent tissue

1.  Pholem: Phloem is like a plant's food delivery system. It moves the sugary nutrients produced in the leaves to other parts of the plant so it can grow and stay energized.

2.  Xylem: The vascular tissue in plants which conducts water and dissolved nutrients upwards from the root and also helps to form the woody element in the stem.

differentiate between xylem and phloem.​ -


















A young dicot root consist of this following internal feature:

Epiblema (Root Hair Zone):

·      Outermost layer of the root.

·      Consists of root hairs that increase surface area for water and nutrient absorption.

·      Responsible for water and mineral uptake from the soil.


·      Layer beneath the epiblema.

·      Composed of parenchyma cells.

·      Stores nutrients and facilitates radial movement of water and nutrients.


·      Single layer of cells surrounding the vascular cylinder.

·      Contains the Casparian strip, a waxy barrier regulating water and nutrient entry.

·      Controls selective passage of substances into the vascular tissue.


·      Cell layer just inside the endodermis.

·      Gives rise to lateral roots and contributes to root thickening.

·      Plays a role in secondary growth and root development.



Vascular Bundle:

·      Arrangement of xylem and phloem tissues for nutrient transport.

·      Located in the center of the root.

·      Xylem carries water upward, while phloem transports nutrients downward.

Conjunctive Tissue:

·      Connects different vascular bundles within the root.

·      Contains supportive cells like fibers and sclerenchyma.

·      Provides structural support to the root and helps withstand mechanical stress.


·      Central region of the root.

·      Made up of parenchyma cells.

·      Stores food and water, contributes to structural integrity.



Epiblema (Root Epidermis):

·      Outermost layer of the root.

·      Covered by a single layer of cells.

·      Acts as a protective barrier and helps in water absorption.


·      Tissue layer beneath the epiblema.

·      Composed of parenchyma cells.

·      Stores nutrients and supports radial movement of substances.


·      Single cell layer surrounding the vascular cylinder.

·      Contains the Casparian strip, a waterproof barrier.

·      Controls the flow of water and minerals into the vascular tissue.


·      Layer just inside the endodermis.

·      Gives rise to lateral roots and contributes to root thickening.

·      Can undergo cell division to regenerate the root's growth.

Vascular Bundle:

·      Arrangement of xylem and phloem tissues for transport.

·      Found in the center of the root.

·      Xylem carries water, while phloem transports nutrients.

Conjunctive Tissue:

·      Connects vascular bundles in the root.

·      Contains fibers and supportive cells.

·      Provides strength and flexibility to the root.


·      Central region of the root.

·      Consists of parenchyma cells.

·      Stores nutrients and contributes to the root's overall structure.




1.  Epidermis:

·Outermost layer of the stem.

·Consists of single layer of cells.

·Acts as a protective barrier and allows gas exchange.

2.  Cortex:

·Tissue layer beneath the epidermis.

·Composed of parenchyma cells.

·Stores nutrients and provides support.

3.  Hypodermis:

·Layer under the cortex in some dicot stems.

·Contains collenchyma cells.

·Offers structural reinforcement.

4.  Pericycle:

·Cell layer adjacent to the endodermis.

·Gives rise to lateral roots and secondary growth.

·Can generate new vascular tissue.

5.  Vascular Bundle:

·Arrangement of xylem and phloem tissues for transport.

·Scattered throughout the stem.

·Xylem moves water, while phloem transports nutrients.

6.  Endodermis:

·Single cell layer surrounding the vascular cylinder.

·Features the Casparian strip, controlling nutrient entry.

·Regulates water and solute movement in vascular tissue.

7.  Medullary Rays:

·Vertical bands of parenchyma cells.

·Connect the pith to the cortex.

·Aid in lateral transport and storage.

8.  Pith:

·Central region within the stem.

·Composed of parenchyma cells.

·Stores reserves and provides structural support.


1.  Epidermis:

·         Outermost layer of the stem.

·         Composed of a single layer of cells.

·         Provides protection and enables gas exchange.

2.  Hypodermis:

·         Layer beneath the epidermis in some monocot stems.

·         Contains collenchyma cells.

·         Offers structural reinforcement.

3.  Ground Tissue:

·         Tissue layer beneath the epidermis or hypodermis.

·         Made up of parenchyma cells.

·         Functions in storage, support, and photosynthesis.

4.  Vascular Bundle:

·         Arrangement of xylem and phloem tissues for transport.

·         Scattered throughout the stem.

·         Xylem transports water, while phloem moves nutrients.



1.  Epidermis:

·         Outermost layer of the leaf.

·         Comprises upper and lower epidermis.

·         Provides protection and regulates gas exchange.

2.  Mesophyll Tissue:

·         Tissue layer between the upper and lower epidermis.

·         Divided into palisade mesophyll (upper) and spongy mesophyll (lower).

·         Responsible for photosynthesis, gas exchange, and storage.

3.  Vascular Bundle (Xylem and Phloem):

·         Arrangement of xylem and phloem tissues for transport.

·         Embedded within the mesophyll tissue.

·         Xylem transports water, while phloem moves nutrients.


1.  Epidermis:

·         Outer layer of the leaf.

·         Comprised of upper and lower epidermis.

·         Provides protection and controls gas exchange.

2.  Mesophyll Tissue:

·         Middle tissue layer between the upper and lower epidermis.

·         Divided into palisade mesophyll (closer to upper epidermis) and spongy mesophyll (closer to lower epidermis).

·         Responsible for photosynthesis, gas exchange, and storage.

3.  Vascular Bundle (Xylem and Phloem):

·         Arrangement of xylem and phloem tissues for transport.

·         Embedded within the mesophyll tissue.

·         Xylem transports water, while phloem moves nutrients.



Secondary growth in dicot roots is the process of increasing the root's thickness over time through the activity of cambium, resulting in the growth of additional vascular tissues (xylem and phloem).

Formation of Cambium Ring in Dicot Stem: Cambium, a thin layer of meristematic cells, develops between the primary xylem and phloem in the dicot stem. This meristematic tissue is responsible for secondary growth. It divides to produce new cells outwardly (secondary phloem) and inwardly (secondary xylem), leading to the increase in stem girth.

Formation of Secondary Tissue: The cambium ring produces secondary xylem (wood) on the inside and secondary phloem on the outside. As the cambium cells divide and differentiate, the secondary xylem cells add to the stem's diameter and contribute to mechanical support. Secondary phloem aids in nutrient transport.

Formation of Annual Rings: During seasonal growth, the cambium produces xylem cells. In favorable conditions, large, light-colored cells form in spring, creating the "earlywood." In harsher conditions, smaller, dark-colored cells develop in summer, forming the "latewood." Together, these layers create annual rings that can reveal the age and environmental history of the tree.




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